14 August 2010

Dreams of a new wife.

I've come up with a number of things I would have liked to establish in this home ever since we started living together. It's not that I thought they would be more attainable after marriage, but I still wouldn't mind having them.

In no particular order:

1. Starting and ending the day together.
I always thought it would be a very good thing to do this. I think I've mentioned it in my previous post as I complained about my sleep issues. We don't have to wake up and go to sleep at the same time, as this dream started off as. I think I would just really like to have him be the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see at night, right there next to me in bed.

2. Family meals.
When we first got our dining table those few years ago, the idea was to have our meals there instead of in front of the TV. My family rarely has meals together. Even if we do happen to sit at the same table and eat at the same time, everyone's eyes are glued to the television. I remember one Thanksgiving where we actually sat at the table for a family meal together, and my sister and I were uncomfortable. I thought that wasn't the way a family should be. Therefore, I always wanted to have meals as a family, gathered together at the table, giving each other our full attention.
Along with this, and this sort of ties into the previous dream, I always wanted to at least start the day with breakfast together every morning.

3. Praying together.
Aside from saying grace, Yubo and I rarely pray together. I think this is the number one thing we should be working on. I've shared prayer requests with him before, but I would usually leave it at that instead of taking the time to pray with him at that moment. Also, he doesn't really ask me to pray for anything for him. Although I do pray for him on my own, I would like to play a bigger role in his prayer life.

4. Bible study.
We also don't read together, which is another big thing I would love to do. We don't really have to read the same thing, but I would like discussions about how God is speaking to us individually.

5. Preparing meals.
Even though I can't really cook, I would really like to. It's a problem, though, that I absolutely hate having to clean up afterwards. We had an agreement a while ago, that if I cooked, he would clean up. However, the clean up rarely happened. So I stopped trying to cook.
I think preparing a meal for him is what makes me feel the most like a wife. For a very short while, I packed bento for him for lunch. It made me feel really happy to do that for him. But again, clean up got in the way of continuing to do it -- or he would forget to bring the bento box back onto the house.
Another thing that got in the way was our inconsistent schedules. We had breakfast for a while. I would wake up earlier and make an extremely simple breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast. But then either I wouldn't wake up, or it became too difficult to wake him up. Then he would have random days when he would have to wake up much earlier than usual.
We obviously would never have lunch together since he would be at work. Dinner was tough because he never knew when he would be home. I still manage to prepare a nice dinner sometimes for special occasions though.

6. Greeting him at the door with a hug and kiss.
This doesn't seem like it can ever happen because more often than not, he comes home covered in things neither of us wants me to touch. It would be different if he had a regular job that didn't involve him getting into gross stuff, but it can't be helped. Perhaps it's something I can start to do after he gets out of the shower though. It just feels a little strange to have to delay it so long.

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