28 August 2011

My Favorite Things: Openness

Unlike me, Yubo is very open to new things. He's always willing to humor me, or just laugh at me, when I get in the mood to think up crazy inventions. I feel bad that I don't always do the same for him. Or he's open to new ideas concerning topics he already had an established stand on, or topics he's never cared before to think about.

He's got a great imagination, and I really need to learn how to encourage and nurture that rather than constantly bursting bubbles and dragging him back to Earth. If he'll let me come up with ridiculous inventions, I should let him entertain crazy business ideas. :P

Although there are many things that he doesn't really think of on his own, he's open to start thinking about things that I might bring up. I think it's really cool that he does that, but also tend to wonder how he hadn't already thought about certain topics. Please excuse the extreme vagueness, but I can't think of specifics at the moment.

Similar to how we can talk about anything (and that will probably be my next post), I'm rarely afraid to bring up something new to him. And if I am afraid, that's just from my own embarrassment because he quickly puts me at ease, letting me know that I can say anything and he won't judge me for it. Seeing this in him makes me want to strive to be the same for him. It's one of the many things that he balances me in, but I'm drawn to be the same.

23 August 2011

My Favorite Things: Resilience

Dunno if I can really call this a favorite thing. It's more like something worth mentioning.

When I talk about his resilience, I'm really talking about his immune system.

A long while ago, I was watching a show on Discovery or something called The Science of Sex Appeal. Somewhere in there, I'm pretty sure it talked about how through scent, we are attracted to those that have what we lack. Or something like that. I dunno; Yubo can tell you that I'm horrible at repeating information.

Anyway, if that's true, then it makes perfect sense that Yubo has the strongest immune system in the world. And the reason I might put this on my list of favorite things about him is that it makes me not really *need* to worry about him (although that doesn't change the fact that I do indeed worry about him).

Aside from the fact that he rarely gets sick, here's the main story why I even bring this up. The exchange went like this:

D: I was going to make you a sandwich, but I'm not feeling to great now so I dunno if you wanna just make it yourself. I left the slices of bread out for you.

Y: Boo. Ok.

And he made his own sandwich. I noticed it had cheese on it, but didn't think too much about it because I couldn't remember if we got a new package of cheese or not. When I went into the kitchen, I noticed a wrapper of Kraft Singles.

D: Honey, did you use the Kraft Singles cheese on your sandwich???

Y: Yeah. Why?

D: It expired back in April.......

Y: Oh.

With no further comment. And I let it go for a while. Then a thought hit me. We had two packages of roast beef in the fridge: one that had been opened from a long time ago, and one that was brand new.

D: Oh my god, honey, you didn't use the roast beef in the bag, did you??

Y: No, I didn't.

D: *whew* Ok, good.

But when I went to the fridge later, I saw that the roast beef package that had been opened from long ago that was in a zip lock bag had been moved from the deli drawer to the second shelf. And the brand new package of roast beef that remained in the deli drawer was still brand new and unopened. The old roast beef had expired back in June.

I was horrified! 50% of the sandwich he made for himself was expired food. And after bringing that to his attention, he nonchalantly and jokingly noted that might be why his tummy was acting up a bit.

But he didn't get horribly sick. And I scolded him for not checking things in the fridge when he should know by now that you can't really trust anything in our fridge because of how infrequently we use things. I told him I was concerned at his lack of attention, and that accepting expired medication is very different than expired food stuff.

Despite all my fretting and worrying, though, he's perfectly fine. He's gotten into really yucky things, and probably put a number of really yucky things in his body, and that's built him up to be this amazingly super healthy guy.

I do remind him that he's only getting older, and he can't treat his body like he used to back in college. He still likes to boast about his superior lung capacity or whatever back when he was smoking in college, but he hasn't had a recent physical or similar testing. I'd really like for him to go to the doctor for a complete check up, just to be sure that everything is ok. I mean, he's going to be 30 this year, so I think he's due for it.

12 August 2011

My Favorite Things: Playfulness

Sometimes when I think of how others might see us from the outside, I imagine they see a very dumb, dorky couple. This is because the majority of our interaction, in public or not, consists of weird noises, weird voices, weird faces, weird topics of conversation, and physically irritating each other.

It's mostly me doing these things to him. And maybe I should actually rename this entry "Tolerance," because that's what I love about him. He tolerates me. Unfortunately, I don't practice as much in return.

But when I'm in the mood to be a kid, he jumps right in to be dumb right along with me. Ah... I really should equate being a kid with being dumb. That's just rude. But you know what I mean. :P

05 August 2011

My Favorite Things: Full Support

Just like how I had "The struggles we've overcome" mini series, I wanted to do this one for a while. Some entries will probably echo what I've said in the past, like how I'll probably write again about how we can talk about anything, but I wanted to keep everything in an easy to find series.

I also feel that this is a good reminder at a year and 4 months. So I think I will try to do this weekly (daily is too ambitious), even if I happen to be upset about anything.

Here we go. The first of my favorite things about Yubo: his full support.

At the moment it's really easy to talk about how supportive he is of me. With my quitting my job a month early, to the surgery, to going back to school, Yubo has been >99% supportive all the time. I say that because he was a bit reluctant at my quitting early.

He works so hard to provide with a good life. More specifically, to provide me with a good life. Unfortunately, my gratitude, though bountiful, isn't always outwardly shown. I really need to change that. But I guess I'm afraid of thanking him so much that it loses its meaning. But that doesn't mean that I don't thank him when I'm thankful. I just don't say it outright when there isn't anything immediate to say it for.

Anyway, his heart for me is humbling. He always wants what's best for me, and he always wants me happy. He lets me make mistakes to learn from, but he's also there by my side to pick me up from them. I really could say he's like a father, but that'd be really gross to think of him like that. But it does show that he would be an excellent father, if we ever choose to have kids.

02 August 2011

August quickie.

Just a quick update.

I had my last day of work last Friday. I felt the need to have the entire month to prepare myself and the house for school. Also, I didn't want to have to figure out how to take more time off work for my surgery.

Work has been picking up for Yubo a bit, and he's been gracious enough to allow me this time off instead of sticking to my original plan of leaving my job in September with just two weeks of down time.

We're both actually very excited for my surgery. I already have little boosts of confidence at the thought of having all this excess weight gone.

And although I'm scared, I am looking forward to knocking out my final two quarters of school. I just want to be done with it already.

Nothing big has happened within our relationship. It's been the same ups and downs. For the most part, I think we've gotten used to handling them. Honestly, I don't want this to be our norm, but I wonder if that's just the way it is.

I'd really like to start attending those Weekend to Remember things. They sound fun and enlightening. It's also inspiring to hear stories of how the seminars have saved marriages. Of course, we don't need saving, but I think we could definitely use some improvement. ^_~

Visits back down to Cali are up in the air. Wondering if my sister still wants me to go down to take care of the store for her so she can have a break.

Chiyo and Tifa are still fighting, but closing off the bedroom seems to have curbed that A LOT. Also, since we closed off the bedroom, Chiyo hasn't been peeing on the tiles out of fear from Ellie. And closing off the bedroom has led to all three of them simply wanting more attention from us and mostly ignoring each other; thus, the decrease in fighting. Feels like we're getting closer to a happy home.