19 September 2010

Searching for Housewife 101

There were times when I was thankful that my parents didn't run me ragged as the house slave as some children became. However, as I got older, I realized that it really set me back that I didn't have house chores that I had to do or else. For instance, I am still quite embarrassed that I don't know how to properly clean a bathroom, and so that task usually left up to Yubo.

The other thing that I don't know how to do is shop for groceries to prepare meals for the entire week. On the rare occasion that I want to cook something, I go to the store for just those things to prepare that single meal that night. The extent of my preparing for the week is a loaf of bread, peanut butter and jelly, aside from stocking up on Lean Cuisine and Lean Pockets and other frozen foods that just pop into the microwave.

In Eddie Izzard's Definite Article, he does this bit about fruit which is just about how I am in a market. I simply don't really know what I'm doing. (Eddie Izzard one of our favorite comedians, by the way. Love him.)

So I turned to the internet, Google in particular. I was hoping that some fabulous person has compiled a magnificent guide on how to be a good housewife that I could use as a reference. Perhaps it would include how to shop at the grocery to be prepared for all meals throughout the week, how to properly clean things (and not just turn to Windex for everything as I tend to do -- Yubo is happy that I have discovered the multipurpose Windex so that I won't damage the coffee table), or an example of a daily schedule that I might be able to follow until I get the hang of things.

Alas, such a guide was not to be found within that first page of results. In fact, the very first result I received was "Housewife 1 On 1 - Porn Review of Housewife 1On1." Um..... not quite, but thanks for that, Google.


  1. I make a weekly menu and shopping list every week...if you need help figuring out the whole grocery shopping thing let me know!

  2. Cara, that would be great! Maybe I should try to tag along with you next time you go shopping...? Depending on when it is you go...

  3. I usually go shopping on Monday mornings. But we could always come up on an evening when you don't have class or a saturday or something, that way we could all hang out as well.

  4. I don't have any classes on Fridays. A Saturday would also be good for me, but if you want to see Yubo too, Monday evening would be better.
