17 March 2010

Yubo's song.

A long time ago, I came across Yubo still in bed wrapped up in his cream-colored comforter, with a brown throw bunched up by his feet.

He was so rolled up in the blanket that I said he was like a burrito (especially since the comforter was about the color of a tortilla). And when I draped the brown throw over him, it looked like it could be sauce. So he then became a burrito with sauce.

I started calling him Yuborrito, or just burrito for short.

A friend of ours was fussing with his middle name, Yutaka. He likes to call him yukata, but one night it turned into "you taco." And so Yuborrito evolved into a tacorito.

Late one night, I sang this song to him (to the tune of "Only You" and with a very strange accent).

Only you can make a burrito
Only you can make a spicy sauce
Only you and you alone can be a taco too
You're my dream come true
My one and tacorito.

Yes, I know that last line doesn't make any sense, but it fit the syllables. I suppose it could be "My only tacorito," but this was funnier.

So here's how I actually pronounce the words:
only joo can'de make a burrito
only joo can'de make a spicy sauce ("spicy sauce" sang in a sort of Cartman voice)
only joo and joo alone can'de be a taco too
you're my dream come true
my one and tacorito ("tacorito" sang in a very strange way that I can't really describe with words)

If you're lost, you may need to hear me sing the song, but that probably won't ever happen because it's my special song just for Yubo. LoL.

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